The Jigsaw Journey
To really develop your formula and transform your lifestyle, you need to focus on much more than just training, or just nutrition, or just making sure you are in bed before midnight.
Nutrition, training, sleep are no doubt pieces to your puzzle. But these may also be just the basics: Starting Points.
These Starting Points, yes, may bring about changes. But these are quite often short term, and may not allow you to see the deep progress that you are striving for. You may lose a bit of weight, but your energy might remain low. You might be able to hold a plank for a few seconds longer, but the ache in your knees might be getting worse.
If you want to unlock your true formula, you need to explore all areas of your journey.
Putting together all the pieces of this jigsaw will understandably seem daunting. There’s a lot of factors to consider. But each piece is as important as another. It may be one small factor that is stalling your progress. Preventing you from feeling your best.
In order to do this, what you need to give yourself, is time.
For you to create your formula, and complete your puzzle, you need to take ownership and give yourself the freedom and time to explore. Give yourself the chance to make mistakes and adjust. Not every change you make in your lifestyle will be the right one – initially. A change you make to one piece of your puzzle, might cause a different piece to stop fitting. But with commitment and consistency, transformation will happen.
Your puzzle pieces will begin to fit together.
Finding your formula is a life transformation. Figuring out what works for you is an evolution of yourself. What may start off as a physical journey, might turn into a lifelong dive into your relationship with food, yourself, and your motivations to train.
The sizes and shapes of each piece of your puzzle will change as your priorities shift, lifestyle changes, and when you as a person evolves. Your formula will evolve with you, the puzzle will unravel, and then it’s your job to put it back together again.
What may have worked last time, might not anymore. You have to be open to face new challenges, new situations and new priorities. You have to be willing to start again. Finding your formula, for this reason, is undoubtedly a journey and not a destination.
The question is, are you ready to go on your own journey?
If you are, I’m here to support you.
Every step of the way.